It’s amazing that only four months ago Amelia was a “tiny” 8.5 lbs. Today I think she’s around 17 or even 17.5 lbs and growing. It blows my mind how quickly Amelia is becoming her own little person. Watching her learn how her feet taste or attempting to role over is hours of fun. Now that she’s older, it’s so much fun and easier to make her laugh (see video below). Grand Pa Sean has begun singing lessons and Amelia loves them. She really enjoys screaming jibba jabba to Grand Pa during their lessons. Thea and I have been real lucky with how sweet our little Amelia is. Each morning she greets us with smiles and a few farts. Her smiles are 100% genuine and not at all fart induced, they’re all for mommy and me. We’ve been surprised at how well Amelia sleeps in her crib. It’s probably due to the fact her daddy is not rolling around all night looking for Thea or a pillow to hold on to. J Now that Amelia has discovered how tasty her thumb is, she no longer wants a pacifier. What’s going to be even better is when she can hold her bottle up by herself. She can grab and hold her bottle, but the concept of tilting it for more milk isn’t quite there yet. I’m sure in a few weeks we’ll get there. Next week we’re going to start baby sign language DVD’s. Not sure how this will turn out, but I’m excited to try.
Yesterday was such a beautiful sunny day here in Portland that Thea and I decided it was a perfect time for Amelia’s first kickball game. I think Amelia really enjoys being in the sun and being the center of attention (not sure where she gets that from). She loved hanging around the team and just generally checking out the world. It took a lot out of our little girl. She slept through most of dinner and all the way home. Must be hard being so cute in this world of ours.