Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3/4 Year Post

Can you believe our little girl is almost full year old? Amelia is in her first visible “sponge” stage; she’s learning new things like crazy. My heart crumbles every day as she quickly becomes a little person and less of my little baby girl. Apparently Amelia has been was crawling for a few days for Thea or I noticed, but my mom didn’t want to ruin the surprise. One day after work she placed Amelia in the middle of the living room and told me to flick the door stop. When Amelia heard the sound of the spring vibrating she darted straight for it. My ticker skipped a beat and I filled with excitement watching her motor across the floor. Having a mobile child sure changes how you look at your living room!!! We’re constantly moving chairs and ottomans to block things around the living room.

Crawling stopped my heart, but when Amelia screams “DADDY” (yes Daddy, not dada or dad or da da da da, but the full word Daddy) my heart implodes! Unfortunately Amelia doesn’t just come out and say Daddy when I walk in the room yet. To get her talking I’ve got to butter her up a bit by playing and laughing with her. After a few minutes of playing she’ll try to say anything. We’re working on “please”, “thanks you” and ofcourse “Mommy” :-)
Here are a few other “tricks” Amelia does these days:
• Point at each finger as you count to 5 in English and Cambodian
• Combs her hair
• Says Ke when she sees a cat, Pu for dogs and Li for lights.
• Points at Mommy, Daddy, Grand Ma and Grand Pa when you ask her where they are.
• Dances to David Bowe and various others
• Smacks her lips when she’s hungry
• Loves to drink out of Daddy’s cup
• Bites while playing (not sure who she get that from)

Amelia may only be 9 months, but dang she’s only fits into 18 – 24 month old cloths. By this time next year Amelia and Thea can share cloths!! That should save me a few dollars… :-)

Enjoy some of her most recent photos!
Amelia has graduated to big girl car set. Oh what a day!! :-)