Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's been a while...

Sorry for the 3 month gap in posts, it's tough finding time with a 1 year old smart "ass" running around the house :-). Every day Amelia grows and learns more and more and is quickly becoming her own little person. The little person she's become in totally a blend between Thea and me. I'm having the best time of my life playing with and learning who our little "Chochi" is becoming. Life doesn't get any better than when I get home and say "Where's my girl" and at first I hear Amelia's heavy footed run/waddle towards me, then to see her big smile and excitement to give me a hug and tell me about her day. Granted she's telling me all about her day in babble, it's all makes scence to me. This moment justifies all the sacrifices worth it!

Amelia loves to be out and about and makes sure everyone withing ears reach knows she's there. Other than being a baby model, the perfect job for Amelia would be a Wal*Mart greeter. She loves to tell any and everyone hi and if someone tells her hi back she'll say it back. Amelia will play the hi game until the other person gives up. Much like her daddy, she likes to get the last word in.
Some time last month I was surprised and had my heart just about ripped out. After being huged and brought up to speed on her day Amelia had a few new things to show me. Thea's dad asked her "What does a cow say?" and Amelia eyes got huge with excitement said "MMMOOOOOOOOOOOOO", then I heard the sound of a lamb, chicken (with chicken arms). Since then Amelia has expanded her aminal repitwar to dog, cat and monkey. Animal sounds are super cute, however nothing beats her robot moves! That's right ROBOT moves!! When asked "What does a robot say" Amelia says "beep beep beep" and alternates her arms going up and down.

The other morning I decided taking a shower with Amelia would save some time. Everything worked out great however there was a minute of "awkwardness". Amelia looked up and me and asked "what's that?" I then asked "what's what?", Amelia pointed at my "manhood" and asked again "what's that?". This question caught me off guard so I side stepped it with questions about how old Amelia is and where her ears are. That seemed to work, for now...

To me Amelia is just a little baby girl, but Thea's dad pointed out she's as tall as the stools in his kitchen. This little bit of info blew my mind, but who cares! Amelia will always be my little girl. As Amelia grows so does her vocabulary. She started putting two words together. So far Amelia will say "hi fish", "right dere" and "um, don't know". She's also starting to speak more and more Cambodia every week. Her little FOB voice is super cute!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's about time Daddy Lucha I already make a few copies of my Beauty's pics,and yes she is growing fast,but isn't it greaat to be a parent.I'm still amazed with my sons :) Love ya