Saturday, December 6, 2008

9 Day Update

Thea and I have learned quite a bit about our little girl the past week. Daddy's stories and songs relax her, however they seem to really annoy mommy. 1 out of 2 isn't bad. :-) Amelia can't stand to be in a wet or dirty dipper for to long. However, her cries for a clean dipper have nothing on her cries while removing said dirty dipper. Who would think a baby so tiny and so cute can make the insides of your ears vibrate so fiercely. It's like having a roman candle go off right next to you head. The only other time she screams like that is during bath time. Go figure, the baby that hates to be dirty, really hates to get clean. Amelia is definitely her mothers and fathers daughter.

Amelia has gotten so big since leaving the womb. She grows faster than the bamboo in the back yard. It's sad to think that before we know it she'll be walking and talking. Tomorrow we'll find out exactly how much she's grown. Thea and I are amazed how much Amelia has changed in 9 days. I'm guess she'll weigh around 8lbs 10 oz and be about 22 1/2 inches. One of the nicest things to change in recent days is Amelia's smell. Once her umbilical cord feel off, she lost her distinctive "odor".

Check out some recent pictures of our little angel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is your Wella,You are changeing so much,can't wait to hold and spoil you,like I do your cousins Liam Ethan Oli Griffin,I LOVE all of you Mucho,mucho.Your room is so cute.Wella and Auntie Erin didn't get to decorate cuz we both had the boys they like simple. Your name is very special Your Nana was a awesome LADY. Your daddy what can I say I bet you have him smiling,just like he did me.Keep him on his toes!!! All my love,hugs and mucho kisses your Az Wella